Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ok so based on the things we've been exposed to from birth..from the tender warmth of consolement, sympathy and unconditonal love from a creator instantly rewarded. Where do we lose that arbitrary consideration for those who molded you today?
Now I am by no means a certified expert, but I do believe a strength in will, dedication, desire and aspiration is instilled in all of us. Now, where I believe the problem lies is in the discrepancy of the perception of the traits instilled in us from inception. I am confident in believing that these traits have been modified, coerced and overruled by those desiring a higher status in what they formulate 'The Caste System'. In a capitalist take, we welcome free will and the encouragement to do better, but you're only compensated if you dominate with competition.
Let's apply this in present tense: A group of friends reunite at their 10 year high school grad. "Party"...each individual is clammering to tell their stories of success just to seem better than the other man. When we shoul in fact, embrace the strive of our peers thru sharing, and provision of chivalry. That in turn leads to providing that warmth..after all, wasn't your creator the start of that warmth you craved from birth?.. And she didn't take a chance with you? ....


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hello all..

Anyone with an open mind of any topic...Follow me on my journey :)
Embarking on developing and analyzing thoughts from my point of view through sincerity and focus. Applying early sparks into the path to my acquired skill..Success!

Hope you all enjoy and feel free to posts thoughts,opinions and suggestions.

Follow me!


Lady Liz